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Photo and video shooting of people without their consent

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Photo and video shooting of people without their consent

I have prepared for you an interesting post about whether it is possible to take pictures of people without their personal consent or at public events, what regulates this issue and what is the responsibility for illegal photo, video shooting.

  • Since the process of appropriate shooting can significantly violate certain personal non-proprietary rights, the Civil Code of Ukraine provides that people cannot be shot without their personal consent. However, it is not required if the shooting takes place at a certain public event (meeting, concert, conference, etc.);
  • The consent of the individual may be expressed either in writing or orally, depending on the circumstances in which the subject is shot.
  • Shooting of an individual on a photo, film, television or video film, including a secret one, without the consent of the person can be carried out only in cases established by law (for example, units that carry out search operations have the right to indirectly remove information from channels use other technical means of obtaining information only by court decision)
  • With regard to public authorities and local self-government officials, photographs and videos of such persons may be taken without their consent (in the context that the information obtained as a result of the shooting will be of public interest). Such photo-, video-shooting must be carried out in a public place and in the performance of such duties by such officials;
  • Shooting in private places is prohibited. Such places, in particular, may include: toilets, dressing rooms, bathrooms, private property, and so on.
    It is worth noting that the law of Ukraine prohibits any concealed shooting in relation to your personal life, and even more so the distribution of the relevant video or photo.